Hi, I’m Chris.

I’m the middle-est of all the middle children, and yes, you guessed it, I have wavy red hair (not to be confused with the Devil’s curly). I’m from New Jersey but spent my vacation time visiting all fifty states. I love movies and wanted to be closer to where they were made. So, I packed up my sunscreen and moved to Los Angeles. (Ask me about my extensive watchlist!) But got homesick so recently moved back to the East Coast.

If you want to know why I got into advertising, how I got my start as a writer, or what my favorite states are, you’re gonna have to buy me dinner first… Or set up an interview, whatever’s easier.

If you’re looking for a horror-loving-guitar-playing-East-Coast-top-shelf copywriter, I am happy to announce: you’ve found him.

Have your people call my people.

(It’s just me. I’m my people.)

For my resume: Click here.

For passion projects: Click here.